Sunday, July 10, 2011

Assignment 1

In recent years the integration of technology into the classrooms has become a significant part of education. As such resources for educating and assisting teachers in this new area have become very crucial. The definition of educational technology often varies depending on whether the term is used by educators or by technologists. Since this is a educational class I think we should look at it from an educators point of view. Educators are the professionals charged with ensuring that students are prepared for their place in a technology-intensive world. For those who are educators, technology includes any media that can be used in helping instruct students. Just like you couldn't imagine a teacher not being able to read and write, in today’s age you shouldn't be able to imagine a teacher unable to use technology. Teachers must also be able to apply these technologies in ways that will enrich their teaching and enhance their students understanding of the material being taught. In most states teachers must be licensed or certified by the state to be employed as educators. These state certifications requirements typically includede specific technology requirements, most often met through a college course in educational technology. Technology, like our society in general, is always moving forward with rapid change. I remember back when I was in the 8th grade and I saw a projector for the first time. The teacher would write something on the projector and it would show up on the board behind him. I thought it was one of the coolest things in the world. That was a long time ago and technology has advance far beyond just projectors. Now they have virtual classrooms where a teacher could be in another state or even another country teaching a class. Computers, tablets, even phones play a major part in technological education also. I believe technology is great when it comes to education. I even think it speeds up the learning process. Its one thing to sit in a classroom all day listening to teachers lecture but to actually get a visual of the topic on a computer screen is a totally different learning experience. For me personally I think people are able to grasp the topic better if they have something to look at like a graph or some other type of visual representation of the topic being discussed in class. I think without technology the ability for people to learn would be somewhat limited. I mean of course their are different means of information but you wouldn't be able to get to it as quickly as you would by using a computer. As far as technology goes I think the sky is the limit. Who knows what type of technology will be available for teachers and students in years to come.

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